Before Ending Your Marriage, Weigh the Expected Benefits

While it’s often said that half of all marriages end in divorce, the reality is a little less daunting.  For example, the 39.4% divorce rate in Germany also implies that around two out of three German marriages succeed. If you are facing problems in your marriage, it is important to be objective and to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of your next course of action – before you make an appointment with a scheidungsanwalt, or divorce lawyer. The monetary cost of divorce is often the most widely talked about aspect of divorce, but non-monetary costs may have longer-lasting effects on the lives of all the parties involved. Once again, only the parties involved can decide whether the problems they are facing necessitate the dissolution of the marriage and the resulting changes in lifestyle that will be faced.

According to 2002 statistics, only three countries, Sweden, Belarus and Finland, had divorce rates above 50%. In Germany, however, the divorce rate is much lower, at about 39.4%. This is considerably lower than the proverbial 50%, yet it still means that roughly one out of three marriages in Germany will end in divorce. Such statistics tend to bear heavily in the minds of people going through prolonged marital strife. However, it is often easy to overlook the other side of divorce rates. For example, the 39.4% divorce rate in Germany also implies that around two out of three German marriages succeed.

If you are facing problems in your marriage, it is important to be objective and to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of your next course of action – before you make an appointment with a scheidungsanwalt, or divorce lawyer. Since divorce has long-term implications, it is not wise to make a sudden decision in the heat of the moment. This is why most reputable divorce lawyers will check that their clients are sure about their decision to end a marriage before discussions proceed to details such as scheidungskosten, division of property and other legal issues. Of course most people who show up at the office of a scheidungsanwalt, have already considered all the potential effects of divorce, but there are also those who have not considered the implications of their decision.

The monetary cost of divorce is often the most widely talked about aspect of divorce. In fact, this is the most straight-forward part of dissolving a marriage. A qualified, experienced scheidungsanwalt will be able to explain how a divorce will affect each party financially according to the income of each spouse and their property.  Yet, there are other costs in a divorce, for example, the emotional effects, effects on the children, and lifestyle changes resulting from divorce. These non-monetary costs may have longer-lasting effects on the lives of each partner and their children, when compared to the financial implications of divorce.  Only you can decide whether these non-financial scheidungskosten are worth facing or whether it is still worthwhile trying to make a marriage work.

The fact that divorce is common does little to reduce its emotional effects, for example, loneliness, depression and a sense of failure. With their own emotional issues to deal with, parents are faced with the additional concern of dealing with the emotional responses of their children including anger, guilt, insecurity and sadness. While it is important to consider these feelings, you must weigh them against the condition of your marital problems. In many cases, the short-term emotional scheidungskosten is preferable to the long-term problems of living in an unhappy marriage.

Lastly, lifestyle changes are another scheidungskosten. For example, a single-income family may become one in which both parents work, leaving less time for the children. Selling the shared home could mean moving to a different neighborhood and a new school.  Parents who are not given custody may begin spending a lot of time outside the house to avoid coming home to an empty house. Once again, only the parties involved can decide whether the problems they are facing necessitate the dissolution of the marriage and the resulting changes in lifestyle that will be faced. If, after careful consideration, you decide that divorce is the best option, then the next thing to do is to contact a divorce lawyer who will guide you through the rest of the process.

Getting divorced in Germany? Visit our website for advice about legal matters and scheidungskosten . Our qualified scheidungsanwalt will help guide you through the convenience of on-line divorce procedures.

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