Resolve Unspecified error in windows system

Windows system comes with a Chkdsk utility that is used for the purpose of checking Windows file system integrity and also to resolve inconsistency issues in your system. In the Windows NT version, chkdsk utility is used for checking bad sectors in the storage media. In the case if any error is found, this utility displays a full report. You may face file system issues in your system that can be solved after reformatting the driver or reinstalling a new file system in it. But this can lead to data loss situations. In this case you need to go for Windows data recovery software free download to get back your lost data from Windows system.

To explain the situation, take a practical example in which your Windows system unexpectedly shutdown. And after that when you restarts your Windows system, it runs chldsk utility that returns following error message:

“An unspecified error occurred”

After the error you may find several issue while working with your windows system.

Cause :

You may be getting the above error message on your windows system screen in the case the chkdsk utility find some bad sectors in the hard drive of your system.


The problem can be solved by running the chkdsk utility manually. You can follow below steps for running chkdsk utility :

  • Boot your windows system using windows installation disk and run chkdsk from the command prompt.
  • It error still persists than move your system hard rive to another computer and attach your hard drive as a slave and check the hard drive for the errors.

In the case if the error is yet not solved than reformatting the hard drive will resolve the error but reformatting the hard drive will delete all the data stored in it. In this case the lost data can be recovered from the backup but in the case if the backup of data is not available than you may use a third party application to get back your lost images.

Windows data recovery software is an efficient software that consists of advanced recovery mechanism that scans entire hard drive and recovers lost, deleted, formatted or corrupted data from windows system. It is an efficient software that is compatible to recover data from all the versions of windows operating system.

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