Chemical Dependency Evaluation

A chemical dependency evaluation can be one of the most important and effective diagnostic efforts for adolescents and teenagers in crisis. Chemical dependency evaluations allow treatment professionals to develop a clear understanding of the issues and challenges facing the young person in question, and can form the basis of the comprehensive treatment plan that will bring the student back from the brink.

A chemical dependency evaluation can be extremely useful for clients of all ages – adolescents, teenagers, and adults. Regardless of the age of the patient, a chemical dependency evaluation can identify key issues to focus upon in treatment, and can begin the patient’s progress from a life of substance abuse to a more promising, healthier, and drug-free existence.

There are many forms of chemical dependency evaluations, including self-tests that may be found in various publications and on myriad websites. These evaluations can be as simple as yes/no quizzes designed to determine if you or someone you love has a problem with alcohol or another drug.

Further up the scale of complexity and clinical relevance, formal chemical dependency evaluations such as the ones conducted at the Aspen Institute for Behavioral Assessment can pinpoint the nature and severity of a student’s problems with alcohol or other drugs, and can shape the type, duration, and focus of a comprehensive substance abuse treatment plan.

However, young people who enter treatment for substance abuse or addiction aren’t the only ones who can benefit from completing a chemical dependency evaluation. For example, students who have been struggling with ADD/ADHD, depression, PTSD, and myriad other disorders may have begun abusing drugs as a means of self-medicating against the symptoms of these disorders. While the substance abuse itself isn’t the primary reason for the student’s having entered treatment, identifying this problem via a chemical dependency evaluation can alter the proscribed course of treatment in a significantly beneficial direction.

The most effective behavioral health and mental health treatment programs for adolescents and teenagers are those that take a holistic approach and feature comprehensive treatment plans. Regardless of the reasons why a young person may have initially been referred for treatment, completing a chemical dependency evaluation can go a long way toward ensuring that the treatment is as effective as possible.

As our name implies, The Aspen Institute of Behavioral Assessment places a strong emphasis upon evaluating and assessing youth in crisis in order to ensure that they and their parents are provided with a complete and accurate diagnosis and are presented with a range of personalized treatment options. Chemical dependency evaluations are important aspects of our efforts to assess our students and design treatment plans that will put them in the best possible position to pursue lifelong recovery and achieve the healthiest and happiest possible future.

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