Lead Generation through Lead Intent Analysis

When B2B marketers want their lead management program to succeed they must necessarily take into account the intent expressed by leads in their different phases of purchase decision making.

In B2B, buying decisions are not finalized by a single authority; instead it is taken by a group of people. So, to deduce the stage at which the prospect is in the buying cycle of the decision making process, marketers must first understand the roles of different people who participate in the decision making process.

Website visitors for a B2B company fall into any one of the following three categories.

  • Researcher – It includes research analysts, managers, surveyors, etc.
  • Influencer – It includes mid management and senior management people who work out purchase plans for their companies.
  • Decision maker –It includes vice presidents and above who finalize the purchasing plans.

This categorization is done based on the content that is researched and the total time spent on the site (including repeat visits). Multiple visits from a company executive, showcasing an interest in varied types of content on a website can itself indicate the phase of the buying cycle the company is in.

The B2B buying cycle itself contains four stages namely, research, awareness, evaluation and purchase. So, when a B2B marketer understands these phases of decision making it helps him to plan for timely nurturing, engagement and sales pitching.

In most cases, during the research stage, a prospect would be likely to browse through information related to company information, solutions offered, people behind the company, media news, customer success stories, etc. Whereas, in the awareness stage, they are more likely to spend more time in understanding the product by downloading whitepapers, etc.

Buyers usually opt for trials, price lists, etc. in the evaluation stage and interact with the sales representatives of the company when they reach the final purchasing stage. So, by analyzing the time spent by a visitor on the different types of content available on the website, marketers can conclude (to a reasonable extent) about a prospect’s purchasing intent.

So, in B2B marketing, prospect type and prospect intent plays a vital role in understanding the stage of decision making they are in. Based on this analysis marketers can decide on the next plan of action. If prospects are already in the later stages of decision making, then, lead nurturing processes can be initiated right away. It would be best to group information searched by different prospect types in one place or by leading a visitor through different stages of information in such a way that it helps them progress to the next stage of the buying cycle. This way, lead generation can generate the required number of warm leads, always. B2B marketers can also consider using marketing automation software to automate the lead generation process.


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