Need of Behavioral Tracking Tools in B2B Lead Generation

Behavioral tracking tools can play a vital role in B2B marketing scenario. B2B companies can get insight into visitor behavior information by tracking profiles of online visitors, pages visited, time spent on each page, keywords clicked on, visitor’s location, time of visit, source that led them to the corporate website, etc. This data is then categorized and analyzed to determine the visitor interest and intent behind the visit.

B2B marketers can capture visitor’s “fingerprint” on the website by using behavior analysis tools. These tools basically enable marketers to obtain in-depth knowledge about their intent and achieve a significant advantage in determining the best approach to targeting a marketing and/or sales response during lead generation and lead nurturing. These tools offer competitive advantage to other teams such as inside sales, sales and marketing departments who can in turn leverage such information for customized lead nurturing as well.

Many SMBs and mid-sized marketing companies may be constrained by budget considerations and find it difficult to measure the ROI on their investments. For them, behavioral tracking features of marketing automation solutions can enable them to identify the right leads. Also, it can help them to strategically plan their marketing activities and focus on personalized communication with prospects.

Companies need an end-to-end integrated solution that goes beyond generating more leads, to improve the quality of leads through superior prospect behavioral information. Such a solution can:

  • Convert anonymous leads into prospects.
  • Report on opportunity view for sales teams.
  • Offer real-time collaboration features such as live connects with promising prospects.
  • Update sales and marketing teams with real-time analytics based on prospect behavior.
  • Offer campaign analytics to improve campaign efficiency.
  • Enable social media collaborations.
  • Identify up-sell opportunities as well.

So, it means that marketing automation tools can surely enable B2B marketers to measure the effectiveness of marketing channels which generate leads through the website and in turn, enable them to work on appropriate nurturing mechanisms to increase economic results.

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