Limitations and Necessity lead to the Innovation of Group SMS as a Marketing Tool

Who could have imagined that a small handheld device that fits perfectly in our pockets and purses would become the most convenient and efficient way to market ones products and services? Mobile phones changed the way we communicated by introducing the short message services (SMS) that allowed us to send small and short messages to anyone quickly. But it was only a matter of time till the business world would unravel the true potential of the SMS and use it to reach a larger audience of potential customers. Be it a need or necessity, the leaps and bounds of the World Wide Web and technology along with the limitations of the mobile phone gave rise to the present day marketing channel called group SMS.

The SMS services on our mobile phone do come with a few limitations. Firstly, we have a limitation of only 160 characters per SMS. If we exceed this limit, the mobile service providers automatically convert the message into multiple SMS and send them one by one to the recipient. This drawback has been checked by the advent of instant messaging services available on the new advance mobile phones called smartphones. This application on the smartphone allows a user to send as large of a message to any recipient in their contact list, within seconds. The second limitation of the mobile phone is sending group SMS. Though we have the facility to create groups in the mobile contact list but when sending the SMS, it won’t go to each individual simultaneously. The SMS is sent one by one to each recipient in the group and this increases the chance of delay in delivery of SMS or even SMS delivery failure. The advancement in World Wide Web technology and computer software has helped eliminate this drawback with the help of SMS gateways and SMS API. The SMS gateways and SMS API are facilities and softwares respectively that allow an individual to type in a SMS on the computer or similar interface and send it simultaneously and instantly to group of individuals. Numerous such SMS gateways and SMS API providers are available online for your multiple SMS requirements; some offer their services for free while others charge a small fee. Some of these applications even allow import and export of contact lists, proper filtering and grouping facility of all the contacts, special two way communication facilities to get a response from the recipients and many other features that have made group SMS a lucrative mode of promotion and marketing of products and services.

With billions of mobile service subscribers worldwide and numerous more joining every day, group SMS was bound to be the next big thing in marketing. Also the fact that people actually read an SMS more than they would read a newspaper ad, watch a TV ad or listen to a radio ad, made SMS the best mode of promotion. These along with the fact that group SMS can be sent instantly with assured delivery and visibility lead business to adopt this new mode of advertisement.





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