Text Messages – Can Make or Break a Deal

One of the most revolutionary inventions of the twentieth century that changed the way we communicate today is the mobile phone. The importance and advantages of mobile phones were known when it was created but its potential and impact on the world of marketing has been realised and visualised only in the last decade. The short message service (SMS) or text messages are a part and parcel of the mobile services provided by telecom companies, but this service changed the way marketing was done worldwide. Never before did businesses and companies have the potential to reach over 5 billion potential customers globally by sending a simple text message. The best part about this form of marketing is that unlike TV ads being skipped, print ads being ignored or radio ads going unheard, text messages have a tendency of being read; in fact research shows that over 90% of all sent text messages are read by their receiver. This is a very high viewership percentage when compared with the other forms of marketing. But just like as in other forms of marketing, sending text messages also requires proper detail to the written message, its meaning and for whom it is meant for, before sending them. If proper care is not taken in these aspects, one might lose a customer or just end up wasting their money for unfruitful results.

Companies send text message containing details of promotion, offers, discount coupons, valuable information, deals, etc. to existing as well as potential customers via SMS gateways and using SMS API. But how often do the companies check the message they are sending and to whom they are sending it to? These two aspects of SMS marketing have to be investigated carefully as they can lead to either a new customer or loss of one. Firstly, the message sent to the recipients has to be checked. It should be grammatically correct and contain a good flow. The limitations of the words is an important factor that causes many companies to use short forms (e.g. LOL, BTW, FYI), but one should keep in mind to use them frugally and ensure that the reader would understand them. Companies should make sure that the message is visually eye-catching and literally charming to guarantee action from the recipient. It would be a waste of money to send a message that would not even be read as it lacked content and style. The next area that companies should concentrate on is whom the message is being sent to and with what purpose.

What is the point of sending text messages to people if your shop, store or business operates in the Sydney area and the recipient of your text message lives in Western Australia? Sending laptop offers and deals to people who have recently bought a new laptop won’t do you any good; in fact it would be counterproductive as it would annoy the recipient and make them delete your future messages even before reading them. A good way to avoid such a situation is by maintaining and constantly updating your database of recipients. This would help confirm that the correct text message is being sent to the right person. Also a check should be kept on the number of text messages sent to each recipient on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, as you do not want to flood their inbox. Proper attention to the above points while sending text message would guarantee a successful SMS marketing campaign.





Author is an experienced business writer, has been writing in the business world for a long time. The article tells about the features and usage of Bulk SMS Software,send text message, SMS and sms marketing software.

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