Use of 3d Printing Service in Medicine

3d printing service has come of age and it has opened up a number of interesting possibilities in the medical field. What was considered once purely science fiction has finally found the hard ground of reality. Though the technology was available in the 80’s, it is finding its full potential in aerospace and of late in medical and healthcare field now. Today it is possible to manufacture an amazing array of goods which are related to the medical field , such as artificial skeletal bones, prosthetics, hearing and other sensory aids, and maybe in the years to come we can see 3D printing service being employed for manufacture of damaged organs also.

3D printing is a form of technology which can create 3D physical objects with the help of a 3D image. The 3D printers can be compared to a upgraded inkjet printer which can build layer after layers of special materials which can be either polymers of fine metallic dust with a suitable binder. The process of the formation of the object can vary from a few minutes to a few hours and it depends upon the complexity of the object. However the time taken for making the object is less than the conventional forms of prototyping. In earlier times the cost of 3D printers was very high. However with the passage of time the costs have come considerably down and there is even a home 3D printer which costs just $1000.

There has been a number of interesting applications with the 3D printing service in the medical field. Researchers have designed special propellers to robotic capsules to enable endoscopic examination of the colon. 3D printing technology is most used in designing orthotic prosthetics and replacement of bones after trauma. A young girl had her facial features restored when her lower jaw which had got crushed in a traumatic accident was reconstructed.

In future it will be possible to construct any organ of the body or to reconstruct any damaged part of the body. Though this is in a conceptual stage, just like the science fiction stories, it can become realty in the near future. One of the biggest hurdles in replacing damaged parts of the body with replacement made by other foreign materials is the rejection by the body’s immune system. Scientists are searching for materials which will be inert and will not be rejected by the immune system.

Since 2001 EMS has grown to become one of the premier providers of 3D scanners, product design and rapid prototyping services, 3D scanning and 3D printing service. With almost a decade of experience in providing high quality service and products, we have helped clients across a variety of industries build and manage their ideas and bring them to life. EMS is based in Tampa, FL and has offices in Atlanta, GA and Detroit, MI.

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