The burglar alarm – second line of defense

The invention of the burglar alarm has had a significant impact when it comes to dealing with securing homes from the activities of social miscreants. It is a simple device that works on the principle of booby traps but without the loud explosion when someone trips it. This article describes about these alarms which are widely considered to be the second line of defense against intruders after the door.


Who requires a burglar alarm?


Burglars don’t just barge in to take away items from a fridge unless they are really hungry of course in which case it wouldn’t be such a bad thing. However, in most cases, burglars go after something that is more valuable like money, silverware, ornaments and the like. Furthermore, burglars tend to strike those homes which are remotely located. In such cases, the residents would do well to install a burglar alarm. Even those who have to travel long distances would do well to have one. Institutions like banks and office spaces have these alarms.



A burglar alarm is classified into two types – Area type and Perimeter type – depending upon its area of coverage. In both cases, the alarm depends upon data received from sensors that are strategically placed for activation. The former type is more for “interior” regions and operates by receiving inputs from sensors that regularly sweep the rooms for changes in pressure, temperature or even trip wire activation. The perimeter alarm on the other hand, depends on sensors placed at the perimeter, such as windows and doors. They react to changes that are often subtle.

Choosing the alarm


There are many burglar alarm (in Denmark we call those tyverialarm) systems available in the market. Taking advantage of another human being’s concern has always been a successful business mantra. However, here are a few tips that are applicable to buying a reliable alarm system. The security business is an established one and many companies have become a brand on their own. Buying those with proper credentials would ensure reliability and credibility. Do not buy the same alarm system as your neighbor. With many successful enterprises in security, a good brand won’t be that difficult to select. This is because a burglar should not be enticed by providing an alarm system that they are familiar with. As far as possible, ask the dealer to prove its tamper-proof quality. Most alarms are also easy to install and a step-by-step procedure given in the manual isn’t very hard to follow.



The detection step is a very important feature of a burglar alarm. Just as important is the reporting procedure where the alarm relays the detection to a competent authority. Reporting systems can be of many types. Some may go off at the instant they sense intrusion and deter the burglar from robbing anything more and there are some that silently report intrusion to the user’s mobile phone or the nearest police station to have a better chance of catching the intruder.


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