Five Essential Features For A Convertible Car Seat

Babies under 20 pounds can use two types of car seats: the infant seats and the convertible (infant-toddler) seats. Convertible car seats can face both forward and backwards and are suitable for babies of up to 70 pounds. In this article we will take a look at the five main features convertible car seats should have, to help parents decide on which car seat to buy.

Obviously, the safety features are the most important features of a convertible car seat and should be taken extremely seriously. Most vehicles are now equipped with the LATCH and tether system, making very easy to install a convertible seat. The LATCH system can be found on most cars manufactured after 2002.

Easy installation is the second feature to consider, which actually is strongly related to the first feature. The convertible car seat should be installed without major efforts and should provide safety. If it is not installed correctly, the seat can cause serious injury or death to the child if the car crashes.

Convertible seats can include safety belts and straps for shoulders along with another strap that goes between the child’s legs. These seats are said to be the safest ones. Buckles on the backside might also be available for adjustment. Still, the use of such seats is not recommended. It is preferable to use seats with automatic adjustment or with frontal adjustment systems.

The wash-ability of the seat is another important aspect to consider. The seats cover should be easily removable to be washed in the washing machine when it becomes dirty.

Parents often overlook the comfort of the convertible car seat. The car seat should allow the baby to move his arms and legs and to be able to look out on the window. Plus padding should also be there for the head and back of the baby.

The cost of the convertible car seat is the last but quite important factor. High-end models are widely available on the market, which include all available features. They also have uppe3r weight limits. Obviously, these models will last longer and you will be able to use them even after years. Cheaper models can also be found for those have a limited budget. A cheaper one will not be feature-rich and will not last for years. With these information at your hand, make sure you make a wise decision according to your needs and available budget.

Visit us on Facebook and read more about the Convertible Car Seat Reviews 2012Britax Roundabout 55 Convertible Car Seat and The First Years True Fit Recline Convertible Car Seat.

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