How to tackle holiday concerns with Au pairs?

Most of au pair host families become so much dependent on au pair that they forget that their au pairs from AuPairCare have personal life too and they also deserve short breaks like all of us do. It is important to give them few days off whenever and wherever possible but it must also be taken care that you should not spoil habit of your au pair that she or he starts expecting holidays every other week but it is important that you should not starve them for holidays.

We are 4 months in to our first year hosting an au pair from learn few tips to handle holiday issues with your au pair from AuPairCare, and have been very surprised at how easily Mia has become a part of our family. We haven’t had any awkwardness or issues with communication or expectations so far, and our kids have really taken to her. All in all, we have felt very lucky. That is why this week has been so surprising.

You see, Mia from AuPairCare is on vacation this week with a friend, which has left us without childcare. Grandma and Grandpa are pinch hitting- and we are so grateful! – But it turns out Mia is more than just a babysitter. And while I thought I totally ‘got’ how integral she had become, it turns out I was quite wrong. We are just two days in to the work/school week and things have been, shall I say…challenging. Our daughter’s lunch was forgotten, the toddler would not go down for his afternoon nap, and there are toys everywhere. She does everything and on time always.

From the kid’s laundry, to made beds, to the refereeing she does during afterschool play, Mia has become part of the fabric of our day. She is a friend and family member, but also truly is a partner who takes on some of the parenting duties we simply do not have time for.

Mia deserves her time off, and has had the chance to see the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas already on her trip, a dream for her for sure. We are happy for her – and counting the minutes until her return. Though we are missing her a lot and have got use to her that now feel that she is inseparable part of our family but this way we hope that a fair balance would be maintained between work and pleasure for her and she can do her work with more zeal and happy feeling.

At learn few tips to handle holiday issues with your au pair from AuPairCare.

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