Weight Loss Philosophy for Children

Five suggestions to aid an overweight adolescent become athletic and feel adequate.

First, it is eminent for most families to comprehend that beverages like pop or kool aid should be a treat and not a primary hydration source. I even feel milk should be used with judgment. Milk gets a semi-pass from me only because of its protein efficiency, but even milk is filled with sugar. A great alternate could be 1% milk or even soymilk. Pop or kool aid should be absorbed by kids the same way adults drink beer, in moderation and only as a celebration on certain occasions. Namely, give your kids 8 glasses of water a day.

Second, let’s all skip the fast food. I understand that busy adults and even single parents find it convenient especially when we are busy during the week with business, homework with the kids, soccer practice, and maybe even a side business. But accredit me I have noticed far too many hefty family out there (and I have an portly grandson I am working with) to even begin to think fast food is ok even once a month. I know, I know.. burger king has salads now. And you can get apple dippers instead of fries. Great, a step in the acceptable direction, but I am left to ponder how many calories are in the caramel sauce for the apple dippers and how much sodium is in the salad dressing.

Third, please provide vitamins. Even the most heavy child will not have to greatly amend his or her diet if they are getting the correct nutrition. Look for a supplement that is free from sugar. And I recommend avoiding “gummies” as they are low in nourishment.

Fourth, decrease portions by 15%. Even if your child is only a few pounds hefty, this decline will not significantly decrease their nourishment intake, yet it will work marvels to help keep up their health and prevent them from becoming plump adults.

Fifth, and apparently most important, limit Xbox and Playstation to the weekends and only in the circumstance of good behavior. I acknowledge these video games are great for creativity building and imagination, but too much is not good. In conclusion, get them into sports or activites. Marching band, base ball, basketball, soccer…these are all great. Not only will athletics help with their overall health, but they will advance on their social skills as well. I know that every now and then fat kids can be treated not well and this will be a great way for them to advance their belief in oneself.

Sylvia is the owner of a weight loss blog in the U.S.

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