Male Breast Reduction is Outpatient Surgery

Enlarged breasts in men, also known as gynecomastia may cause self consciousness and embarrassment. Enlarged breasts in men are caused by excess fat or too much glandular tissue in the breast. In some cases, only one breast will be enlarged while the other will be normal. Some medications may cause breasts to grow if they have steroids or high amounts of the female hormone estrogen. Some diseases such as hormonal conditions, illnesses that interfere with thyroid function, some types of tumors and kidney and liver failure may also cause enlarged breasts in men. Enlarged breasts are most common in teenage boys because of fluctuating hormone levels but in most cases, the breasts will revert back to normal over time.

Male breast reduction is done by surgery if you are healthy, are not overweight, are not on medication that may cause gynecomastia and it can be carried out on teenagers who have had the condition for more than two or three years. Your doctor will advise you on some things that you should do before the procedure such as stop taking any anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal supplements, aspirin and any blood thinners as these may cause excess bleeding during the procedure. If you smoke, you may need to stop for at least a month prior to the surgery and a month after for a safe and quick recovery. If you are on any other medications, you need to tell your doctor so that you get appropriate advice on whether to stop taking them first or if it is okay.

Before the procedure, you will undergo some medical tests, lab tests and in some cases some blood tests. Male breast reduction surgery is not major surgery and will most likely be done as an outpatient surgery in a hospital or in your doctor’s clinic or any other health facility. The surgery typically takes about two hours but may take longer if there is more reconstructive work needed.

Your surgeon will use either liposuction of excess fat, excision of the excess tissue or a combination of both. For men with excess fat, liposuction is used to reduce the breasts. Several small incisions are made and then a small hollow tube known as a cannula is inserted. The surgeon then moves the cannula around to loosen the excess fat so that it can be removed by a vacuum suction.

Excision is done to remove excess glandular tissue, or if the areola or nipple is being reduced, repositioned or being reconstructed. If the breasts were large enough so that after they are excised there is excess skin, the surgeon may have to cut away the excess skin. Scarring is often minimal and is often positioned along the natural contours. All the procedures are done under general or local anesthesia. Ensure that you follow all post operative instructions your doctor gives you to avoid the risk of infections and complications. The effects of the reduction surgery will last forever unless there is an increase in breast size as a result of weight or medications.

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