Design The Page To Win The Browser

The number of registered websites is probably four or five times more than the ones that are actually in use and it is therefore quite difficult to figure out exact numbers.

What we do know is that it all runs into the hundreds of millions and if just one word like furniture or shoes is entered into the tool bar there are likely to be a million or more hits.
So the question is how do you make your web page stand out and get it higher up the listings?
To give your new business any chance at all you should definitely go and see a website designing company which includes not only the designer but some skilled bespoke software consultants and other players versed in the arts of SEO.

The latter three letters stand for Search Engine Optimization and without this part of the launch of your new ecommerce business you are going to struggle to succeed.

No matter how professional looking and slick your new website is it will not be much use if people are not viewing it. Raising the profile is the name of the game. Just imagine if one hundred people come across your website and one or two end up placing an order for your goods.

One or two per cent is a good result but just imagine if three or four thousand browsers a day view your site and the same one or two per cent place orders!

From muddling along with reasonable sales you and your bank manager are laughing as you while away the day counting the profits.

A good website is just step one of many in order to get the business up and running. Continuing the interest by ploughing back a fixed per cent of the profits into further marketing in the form of SEO work will be money spent wisely.

It is often said that the benefits of conventional advertising is impossible to gauge but with more and more SEO work the higher up the ratings your site travels and the evidence is there with more hits and subsequent sales.

There are various sites showing the best websites around and surprisingly the best are rarely the big blue chip companies. Smaller firms regularly feature and if there is one bit of common ground it is the clarity of the front page along with very simple links.

A good web page must first be pleasing to the eye and should subconsciously lead the viewer to a point where they feel they must click onto the next page. This enticement to go further is the bit that requires the most imaginative design and does not have to be complicated but rather kept very simple like a small animated little bunny rabbit inviting you into his burrow!

Good website designing is an art and should never be left to the man down the pub who does a bit of website work on the side!

Visit the real professional website designing teamat

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