Diets Based on Negative Calorie Foods

If you’ve done much research on diets at all, then you’ve probably already run across the concept of negative calorie foods. The negative calorie food diet is one that has come under a lot of scrutiny, but despite this it’s an idea that has created a lot of imitators based around the same basic principles. For a much criticized diet, it sure has a lot of imitators!

Many diets are based at least in part (if not entirely) around foods that appear on the negative calorie foods list. This includes the grapefruit diet, pineapple diet, and cabbage soup diet, just to name a few. Obviously vegetarian diets will have a lot in common with negative calorie foods, as well, since all the foods on this list are either fruits or vegetables.

One of these diets, the pineapple diet, involves eating pineapple all the time. Pineapple is one of the fruits that appears on the list. While there are many different styles of this particular eating plan, all of them involve eating a great deal of pineapple, a similar eating plan to the often much maligned negative calorie foods diet.

Of all the diet examples listed, perhaps the cabbage soup diet is the most well known, and also the eating plan that most firmly uses negative calorie foods. Aside from the three days where only certain types of fruits and vegetables are allowed (other than the soup), the base soup of this diet is made almost completely from ingredients that appear on the famous list of these foods. Compare the two and the similarities will jump out at you.

The grapefruit diet is another example. Grapefruit is a hugely popular diet food because it is low in calories, high in water & vitamins, and is hard for the body to process ” meaning more calories are used to burn it up. Grapefruit is also yet another food on the negative calorie list.

All the foods on this list are fruits and vegetables, which can help explain why you generally just don’t find fat vegetarians. Vegetarian diets are going to have a lot in common with negative calorie foods because all the food that comes under this definition are fruits and veggies.

These are just a few of many diets that seem to branch off from the idea of negative calorie foods. While none of them are likely to admit this, the eating plans and emphasis on certain types of foods making up the majority of the diet are similar ideas.

All arguments aside, you’re not likely to ever find someone who says eating more fruit and vegetables is a bad nutritional choice. Negative calorie foods are all about the fruits and veggies, so no matter what type of arguments remain this diet is likely to stay around.

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