I totally love the Fashion and Cheap Omega Replica Watches on this Christmas

In 1848, at the age of 23 years, Louis opened a brand Comptoir d’etabilissage, a sales contract for the manufacture of the clock. In 1880, the two brothers César and Louis-Paul Brandt rented a floor in a Bienne building to set up a unit of modern production. Among the names he chose for their watches were “Helvetia”, “Jura”, “Celtic”, “Gurzelen” and “homeland.” With the introduction of “Labrador” lever movement in 1885, the watches achieved a precision of within 30 seconds a day. In 1889, four years later, Louis Brandt and Fils became the largest producers of watches in Switzerland, with a production rate of more than 100,000 watches. But this fact did not stop the exclusivity of the Replica Omega Speedmaster they produced, for example, the repeater of the minutes, developed in 1892 in partnership with Audemars Piguet, and probably the first wristwatch of this type. A watch movement caliber Procket fully again became a performer bright market when it entered production in 1894. Its major points of potential sales were easily interchangeable parts, and simplicity of construction. Company’s banker, Henri Rieckel, suggested the name “Omega” for the new clock. The overwhelming success of “Omega” name led to be adopted as the unique name for all the watches of the company since 1903. The Omega name made its debut in sport in the international competition of balloons to the Gordon Bennett Cup in 1909. The British Royal Flying Corps decided to choose Omega watches in 1917 as official timekeepers for their combat units, like the U.S. Army in 1918. Omega had their first victory at the observatory time competitions in Neuchâtel in 1919 with their chronometers winning the competition. This was followed with a score of the top up until 1971. Competitions 1933, 1936 and 1946 were some of the most notable of Omega. In 1957, the “Omega Speedmaster” was created. After a rigorous evaluation and testing, NASA decided to use the “Speedmaster Professional” chronograph wristwatch in 1965 and is the official timekeeper. In 1967, the chronometer was certified a million. On July 21, 1969, astronaught Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon. As he steps famous quote “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”, wearing his Omega Speedmaster Professional Chronograph. In 1972, Omega received their certified chronometer two million. In 1974 the legendary “Megaquartz” marine chronometer had a daily time variation of only two milliseconds, in a trial that lasted 63 days. On May 18, 1983, Omega received their certificate No. 100000 of official rating quartz timers. A museum for the company was inaugurated on December 16, 1983. In 1995, presentations are the first automatic wristwatch with a centrally mounted tourbillion. Omega is continuing to demonstrate that innovation is, with its latest addition to the collection of the company in 1999 with the new caliber 2500 movement looking to replace the traditional Swiss-lever escape. Omega Replica Watches watchmakers have developed the coaxial escape “, the brainchild of English teacher-watchmaker, George Dianels for mass production of watches. The combination of new exhaust and a new development emerged available balance aims to eliminate the basic obstacles to accurate regular timekeeping. The effect of thickness and viscosity of the lubricant in the range of the scale has been virtually eliminated. The new coaxial exhaust consists of three components: a coaxial wheel, an escape wheel and a lever with three stones of the platform, unlike the conventional pallet lever and escape wheel lever escapement. This has extended service intervals to around 10 years. Drive from:www.blogs4day.com

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