Archive for the "Credit Cards" Category

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Unpaid credit card debt – What is the big deal about it?

Problem I have defaulted on my Chase credit card. I owe around $47,500 on the card. I am getting calls and letters from Chase every week. Frankly speaking, I am not bothered about this debt. I don’t have any intention to pay off this card. But my parents don’t share the same sentiment. They keep […]

How prepaid credit cards are advantageous to college students

Prepaid credit cards are quite advantageous to a college student, especially if he/she is staying away from home. By using these cards, the students can have access to cash in case emergency situations. At the same time, these cards check overspending habits as you cannot use more than the available balance on your card. How […]

Can the creditor refuse to accept credit card payments

Problem: We are struggling to make credit card payments since last year. Earlier, we used to pay the credit card debts on time. However, our financial situation became bad after my husband lost his job. My mother-in-law became ill in the mean time. So, we had to spend a substantial amount for her treatment. My […]

New Super Premium Credit Card lauched by ICICI Bank

ICICI Bank launched a credit card targeted at the super affluent. Customers will get two different Credit cards, one each from payment gateways American Express and MasterCard, but both will be linked to a single card account. The card christened Sapphiro is the third offering in its Gemstone collection and is aimed at super affluent […]

Important Credit Card Questions Everyone Must Ask

Business owners who are considering expansion or are simply looking for ways to increase their profits should think about accepting the credit card as a mode of payment for their stores. This can attract more customers, and even increase individual spending. There are certain business owners who may not be well-versed in the concept of […]