Archive for the "Food and Beverage" Category


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Sea foods- good for your health, delectable for your taste buds

Sea foods are favorite with almost any age group of people, irrespective of their locality and habitation. Not only it makes tasty dishes, but also rich in various vitamins and nutrients. Seafoods like salmons, crabs, squids, shrimp, and lobsters are beneficial for human health in many ways. Here are the beneficial factors of seafood Seafood […]

Lose Fat with Seafood

Research has shown that excess fat in the body can cause a number of diseases, most of them being incurable. So it is best to take measures before it is too late. There are a million kinds of diets and exercises that can be followed to lose that extra pound. But the latest addition to […]

A Mouthwatering Lobster Treat just for you

Lobsters!! Lobsters!! Lobsters!! You just can’t miss out on lobsters when you are indulging in staunch seafood meals. Lobsters are majestic and serve your taste-buds like no other food. Amongst all shelled creatures picked from the deep oceans, lobsters exclusively satisfy you cravings for the delectable in the seafood menu. Not only do these sea […]

Protect yourself from seasonal sniffles with our medicated throat sweets

As you know, we like to satisfy your sweet tooth here at Shorters Club (, but we don’t just stock the naughtier side of confectionery, we also sell medicated and throat sweets which will help you protect yourself from the seasonal sniffles. It’s that time of year when it seems like everyone around you has […]

Satisfy your sweet tooth at Shorters Club

There is nothing more indulgent than settling down for a night in front of the TV with a stock of sweets by your side and it doesn’t matter what age you are, we all love treating ourselves with our favourite confectionery. Incredibly, a simple bag of sweets can take us right back to our childhood, […]