Archive for the "Health" Category


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Male Organ Sensation Loss and Nerve Disorders – An Overview of the Issues

Male organ sensation loss can be a devastating problem, especially in younger men who envision a lifetime without sensual enjoyment. Loss of sensitivity in the manhood can be caused by a number of issues – both physiological and psychological. In some cases, a nerve disorder may be at fault for the decreased sensation. While men […]

Common Male Organ Problems and How to Avoid Them

Nearly all men will experience a variety of male organ problems in the course of his lifetime, but with the right approach to male organ care, they can reduce the frequency of these common male organ health issues and lessen the recovery time when they do occur. 1. Dry, cracked skin. One of the most […]

Male Organ Cream FAQ – a How-to Guide to Manhood Care

An increasing number of men are recognizing the importance of daily care when it comes to the health and function of their male organ, and many are turning to products like male organ health creams to support healthy, supple manhood tissue. For those who are considering using a male organ cream, but who have questions […]

Your Options in Facial Rejuvenation: Surgical Versus Non-Surgical

Our aging face has individual patterns and multiple components which are affected by both genetics and environmental factors. Genetically, the aging of our face is programmed in the pattern of our parent’s genetic traits. However, environmental factors such as smoking, drinking, sun exposure and stresses are the catalyst for skin damage and premature aging. Facial […]

Reproductive Dysfunction and Psychology The Effects of Emotions on Male Organ Health

Reproductive dysfunction in men and women is a complex issue, and there are many factors that can affect a person’s ability to engage in and to enjoy intimacy. While physiological issues often play a role, one important aspect that should be considered is the effect of emotions and mental health on an individual’s ability to […]