Archive for the "Health" Category


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Great Services with a Smile at a Pasadena Nail Salon

If you are a Pasadena resident and are at wit’s end to find a nail salon that is warm and friendly, has a genial attitude, and is particular about hygiene, then this Pasadena Nail Salon might just be the place for you.

Youth juice: a growing scam

So you’ve probably heard of Youth Juice and their claim to improve your health. You may have even purchased a bottle but what are you buying and from whom? Before you spend a dime on another bottle read on to discover what you’re getting and how credible the source really is.

Women Using Yaz, Yasmin, Ocella Birth Control Can Have Heart Attacks, Blood Clots, Strokes

To achieve birth control, many women must trust pharmaceutical companies. The oral contraceptives they produce are supposed to prevent pregnancy and do no harm to the user. Tragically, that is not the situation with Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella.

What is the Definition of a Seaman Under the Jones Act

Individuals who work offshore and on the water must be very careful when they sustain an injury at work. Most of these individuals will qualify as “seamen” under a Federal statute known as the Jones Act. The Jones Act allows an injured maritime worker to file a tort-based lawsuit against their employer and seek all damages caused by the injury including pain and suffering, lost wages and loss of fringe benefits. However, in order to file suit under the Jones Act the maritime worker must first meet the definition of a “seaman” under the Jones Act. This definition states that the employee must be “more or less permanently assigned to a vessel or fleet of vessels in navigation.”

How to Get Rid of Blackheads – Easy & Helpful Tips

Everyone thinks about how to remove blackheads, but did you know that unless you do it with some care, you are going to end up with more skin problems than when you started? Take a moment to look into how to remove blackheads the right way!