Archive for the "Health" Category


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A Andropause is Not a Myth: The Very Real Symptoms of Male Menopause

As men age, lots of things happen. They get wiser, they tell long stories about the trials and tribulations of walking 18 miles to school in two feet of snow wearing only flip-flops and calling Facebook “the Facebook.” Something that can also happen to men as they age is andropause. Never heard of it? Andropause […]

Smegma 101: What It Is and How to Deal with It

Smegma…it seems to be a dirty, dirty word. Point in fact, it is literally a really clean word. It comes from the Latin meaning soap or to cleanse. So, if it has a squeaky-clean origin, then why do people today associate it with a nasty white funk hiding in a guy’s junk? Well, it’s because […]

Itchy Male Organ: What’s Happening Under Your Boxers

Have you ever been on a first date with an attractive partner only to find yourself thinking about one thing: how much your male organ itches? If this is you, continue reading to find a few common causes of male organ itchiness and a few remedies to heal that fiery burn. Male organ health is […]

Does Male Seed Variation Indicate Male Organ Problems?

Male organ problems are something that men definitely want to avoid. In many cases, spending a proper amount of time on male organ health will help keep away many common male organ problems, such as persistent odor or rashes. But what about when a man notices that there has been a change in his male […]

New Year’s Resolution: No Jock Itch

Now that we are into the new year, it’s time to get serious about those resolutions. While a guy is at it, he needs to consider what male organ health resolution would be valuable for him. After all, keeping that manhood healthy is the first step to keeping the manhood (and therefore the man) happy. […]