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Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

Siddhartha is a novel that conveys its message through symbolism and written by Herman Hesse , is about a spiritual journey of a boy known as Siddhartha from a certain region in Asia who lived at the same time as Buddha.

Data Disaster Preparedness For Physician Practice

The article discusses the risks involved with Data Disasters and how Medical Billing Services can help avoid them.

Snows Of Kilimanjaro

Death is definite! No one can deny the death. However, the scenes portrayed in the short story by Hemingway “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” have displayed a very different dying viewpoint. The slow transition of life to death is beautifully portrayed in the story scene by scene.

Managing Stress As A Graduating Senior

A university student in the final years of study has a lot of responsibilities, expectations and duties to accomplish which are likely to cause stress. Graduating students will also worry of the life after school and probably the job hunting uncertainties. The stressful challenges facing students in their final years of study

Pro-States Rights Versus Government On A Federal Level

A desire for some form of federalism establishing division of powers between the states and the national governments emanated from the deliberations between anti-federalists and federalists at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. The government, in the view of the anti-federalist, was to be accountable to the states that formed it