Hollywood Green Screen Could Make All The Difference To Your Shot

In the last five years as a pro snapper, i have had the good fortune to shoot at Hollywood Green Screen a few times. The level of professionalism exhibited by the staff I worked with needs to be appreciated. This has inspired me to write this for folk like me who have an interest in knowing more about execs who are in the business of providing green screens, backdrops, lighting and other kinds of hardware that is needed to make a shot come out really well.

Red Ken is hot for female equality

(1888PressRelease) Former London Mayor ‘Ken Livingstone’ joined a host of celebrity daredevils to walk over hot coals to publicise equality campaigners The Fawcett Society. Survivorbility run many high profile fire walking and glass walking events around the world and as you would expect these often attract the odd celebrity ….. odd as in number that […]

Basketball Noteworthy Story Lines From This Season

There have been quite a few ups and downs in the world of basketball this season. This season has been an interesting one with plenty going on in the way of performance and with player news.

Special Effects Made Possible Through Green Screen Studio

Shooting at a Green screen studio isn’t just a very good experience, but also one that doesn’t shake your financial position up. Today, everybody looks to be giving a lot of thought to the quantity of money that they’re spending on a flick. It is important for them to count every single dollar before shelling it out. No wastage can be afforded, because money is in such short supply. With the IRS respiring down your neck, trying to collect your taxes down to the last cent, the last thing you need is a problem with the revenue department. Thus if you were to shoot at a facility like this, you could ensure that your money was spent well and not a cent went down the drain.

Why Choose Zodiac Tattoos

One out of every 10 individuals in America are said to have at least a single tattoo on their body. Previously a practice that has been frowned upon and has been stereotyped as unhygienic and rebellious, tattooing is now gaining a wide acceptance in the whole world. No longer are tattoos viewed in a negative light, but are rather seen as a means of self-expression and creativity.