3 Skin tightening procedures that make you look young

3 Skin tightening procedures that make you look young

Aging is a part of life; nothing can be done to stop it. However there are various cosmetic procedures you can use to reduce the signs of aging like Botox, skin tightening procedures, wrinkle treatments and face lifts to look years younger.

Titan is the name of one such skin tightening procedure. This is a non-surgical face lift that can however be used on any part of the body. The doctor uses the help of infrared light to reach deep skin layers and tighten collagen. As both the skin and fat are heated simultaneously, there is no chance of any dimpling occurring during the process.

While anyone of any size, with any skin type can undergo a Titan, results depend on the individual. While there may be instant results in some people, others may notice skin tightening after three to six months.

The disadvantage of a Titan is the possibility of redness and swelling occurring on the outer skin layer. This however lasts only for a few hours, and isn’t something to worry about. If required, you can take a pain reliever before the one hour procedure for relief from mild discomfort.

Skin Tyte

Skin Tyte is also a non-invasive procedure that uses infrared light for skin tightening. However as the procedure uses a cooling system to cool outer layers while the heat tightens deep skin layers, it prevents the formation of any redness and swelling.

Skin Tyte is safe for all skin types, and can be performed on any part of the body. It usually takes 2-5 sessions of 45 minutes over three weeks for best skin tightening effects.


Refirm is a wrinkle reduction treatment that uses both a conducted electrical current and optimal light energy for any skin type. Its effects continue even after the treatment as Refirm stimulates the production of collagen in your body.

As there is no discomfort related to Refirm, there is need of taking any sedation before the procedure. A session of Refirm lasts at the most an hour and depending on your requirements, may require three to four treatments for perfect wrinkle reduction.

Bella Rosa Clinic is a Houston Skin tightening center to effectively reduces the appearance of wrinkles and loose skin for a smoother and more youthful appearance check out their skin tightening procedures and cost at www.bellarosaclinic.com

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