Choose The Right Look In Drapery Sets

The right drapery set in a room can set the overall look that you may be trying to create. You do not need to be an expert in home design in order to choose the right pair for your windows; you simply need to know what you want. There are many different looks that you have to choose from and nothing says that you must choose just one look per room.

To determine what size coverings you will need, measuring will need to be done. You need to measure where you want the window treatments to hang; the outer side of the window is usually the most popular choice. You want them to hang evenly so your measurements must be precise. The general rule to always remember is to measure twice so you can be sure of your numbers.

There are so many styles to choose from today. Panels were always popular in the past but were later replaced by window valences or window toppers. Today, it is the combination of both panels and toppers that complete the look for most windows.

Tall windows can be hard to dress sometimes because the length is too long to find coverings to fit. Windows are not always square; they come in several sizes and shapes. You may like the look of a blind and a valance to dress your window. If you want to allow more light in your home, you may want to use a simple valance as your choice of coverings.

The color and design you select will be very important. You want to balance the look of your room by adding the right look on your window. You can choose a theme to go by like western, retro, Victorian, cottage, or rustic. When using a theme, choose a solid neutral color to place on your windows so you can balance your look.

Its important to use a neutral color when necessary to balance the look in the room. If you have a primary or bold color on the furniture, walls, or in the room decor, you can use a neutral color to place on the window coverings. Neutral colors include cream or beige and help to balance the look in the room. The main idea is to be able to walk into a room without seeing anything standing out among the decor; everything should look balanced.

If you like to change the look of your room often, consider changing your drapery set in the room every season. You can use lightweight coverings during the spring and summer and then place lined coverings on the windows during the fall and winter to decrease your heating bills and to keep you warm inside.

You do not have to leave the same drapery set up at all times. You can change them whenever you get tired of the same look. Sometimes changing them will also change the appearance of the room completely. Its fun to get creative with window coverings and you have so many choices to choose from.

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