Oil and Gas Recruitment

Oil and Gas recruitment will be on the rise over the next few years as developing countries keep on awarding contracts in the worth of millions and in some cases billions to oil and gas extractors. As countries look to see how they are going to fill their energy bill there becomes an increased awareness that with population growth green energy for a while still, will not be enough to sustain the population’s energy drain. As a result developing countries are having their land surveyed to see if it’s possible for them to tap into their natural reserves and in doing so are creating jobs for locals and expats alike.

Oil and Gas Recruiting is on the rise as more and more emerging markets want to tap into their natural reserve to meet demand of rising populations and to be able to make money for economical growth. Many African countries are seeing their natural oil reserves as a way to kick start their economies. Not only Africa but countries like Australia are also leading the trend. As the more developed world finds new extraction methods to extract their natural resource they in turn create new jobs for engineers who can adapt to the ever changing environment.

Oil and Gas recruiters are always on the lookout for job seekers with engineering backgrounds. There is a vast amount of engineering work available in the industry and engineers who come equipped with years of experience can easily find themselves in any type role from their chosen discipline. Climbing the career ladder can be accomplished fairly quickly and work is available throughout the world, even offshore out at sea.

Most oil and gas employers will create their own job titles to fill the employment gaps as the industry moves forward so fast one just has to have a willingness to learn and an aptitude for innovation. In order to work offshore engineers will be required to have safety certification.

All in all the entire oil and gas sector is an exciting sector to work for. Its fast and gain can be achieved over a short space of time. The top three oil producing countries to work in are Saudi Arabia, Russia and United States. Over 80% of oil reserves are in the Middle East while USA and China are the two biggest oil consuming countries.

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