Different Hemorrhoids Treatment Options Available

Hemorrhoids is a very painful condition to suffer from where varicose veins swell beneath the anal and rectal lining. Hemorrhoids can be external, on the outside of the anal opening, internal on the rectum or both.

Hemorrhoids is also called piles and is caused by excessive straining due to constipation, anal intercourse, a wrong low fiber diet, pregnancy and prolonged periods of sitting and straining. It attacks both men and women between the ages 20 – 50.

There are various hemorrhoids treatment options you can choose from for treating your case of hemorrhoids. The not so serious cases can be treated using these conventional hemorrhoids treatments:
1. Don’t postpone bowel movements.
2. Eat more of high fiber food like vegetables and fruits and avoid too spicy and hot food.
3. If constipated, apply some petroleum jelly at the anal region or take some laxative to reduce straining and pain.
4. Regular exercise helps.
5. Limit scrubbing the anal region with soap as it only irritates the region.
6. Soak anus in warm water or a sitz bath for relief from the pain.
7. Use over the counter hemorrhoid medicine like H Miracle to treat the problem.

In very serious cases of hemorrhoids, doctors will recommend the following hemorrhoids treatment surgeries.
1. Injection sclerotherapy, where a substance that obliterates hemorrhoids is injected into the swollen hemorrhoid veins.
2. Rubber band ligation where one hemorrhoid is tied off to let it wither and drop off every two weeks.
3. Infrared photocoagulation or electro coagulation.
4. The burning off of hemorrhoids using laser destruction.
5. Cryotherapy, a surgical procedure where the hemorrhoids are frozen using nitrogen so that they can wither and fall off.

Though you may think that surgery is a permanent hemorrhoid treatment option, it isn’t. This is because there is always a chance of another vein enlarging and developing into hemorrhoids after one is removed. A more permanent hemorrhoid treatment is to prevent it in the first place with regular exercise, regular bowel movements, drinking lots of water and eating a fiber rich diet.

Houston Colorectal Surgical Associates specialize in nonsurgical hemorrhoids treatments that are generally non-painful and uses an advanced technique called The Ultroid Procedure to eliminate hemorrhoids safely, effectively, and painlessly in Houston TX.

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