Best Rowing Machines – Which One is for You?

Are you in the market to purchase a rowing machine and are looking at the various types, manufacturers and models? You’ll want to select a style that you’re going to be comfortable with while completing your daily workouts.

All types of indoor rowers, including the magnetic ones, offer those using it a total body workout. Depending on the length of your workout and the resistance used, you can build or tone both your upper and lower muscle groups. A fitness exercise workout also provides users with an excellent aerobic and cardio workout that will help burn calories and stored body fat as well as increasing the blood flow to vital organs.

Magnetic rowers are one popular style that users opposing magnetic fields to create resistance during your workout. The two biggest benefits to this particular machine are it tends to be easier to store when not in use and also a lot quieter when in use.

Another popular type of rowers is one that utilizes a flywheel to create air resistance. Popular term for those is air rowing machine. The harder you pull on the oar, the more resistance the flywheel creates. You can also alter the amount of resistance by either adjusting a damper wheel or other designated control depending on the model you’re using.

For those that are looking for the closest rowing experience, you may way to take a look at water rowing machines that use water as its way of creating resistance for the user. With each stroke you will hear the familiar sound of water sloshing as if an oar was cutting through the water.

Before purchasing a rowing machine, be sure to try one out at the retailer or sports equipment store. You want to make sure it has adequate resistance levels and isn’t too noisy for your home gym. Most importantly you want to make sure you’re comfortable using it as you’ll be using it on a daily basis.

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