Inter want to add money to buy Pasto

Nokia’s move to pull in the finalized after the winter break, Inter Milan transfer operation did not end. December 27, “Gazzetta dello Sport,” reported that the introduction of Inter Milan with the Football Shirt Udinese players interested in Sanchez, Queen Milicic is the goal for June Moratti. Sanchez, now 22-year-old body is not high, but he is fast at the foot of technical detail. The media will be the Udinese star as the “Chilean C-Lo.” Recent seasons, the functional Sanchez Udinese winger has a good play. So far this season, Sanchez on behalf of Udinese in the league a total of 1,146 minutes played 16 times. Period, he scored 2 goals 4 assists. Accordance with the “Gazzetta dello Sport,” was pulling in finalizing the transfer of Nokia, the Moratti intends to introduce the star of Chile. Currently, Sanchez has contract with Udinese in 2014. The German media said that, “the transfer market” shows the valuation of 9.5 million euros for him. However, from the “Gazzetta dello Sport,” the latest reports Udinese boss Pozzo Sanchez as the club will not for sale. Of course, in the upper reaches of Series A club Udinese for which there is no absolute significance of the non-sale items. The Italian media said, as long as the bid 20 million euros English Premier League Football Shirts Inter Milan, Udinese Sanchez will definitely be released. In order to successfully introduce Sanchez, Inter Milan now proposes a new transfer program. Moratti intends to use the 13 million euros to introduce foreign ownership of Sanchez. Shakespeare, now 22-year-old also attacked the functional front hand, similar to his position and Sanchez. League last half, Biwa Ni under the command of the Benitez had several good plays. “Transfer market” again shows the valuation of 7.5 million euros for him. “Gazzetta dello Sport,” said Udinese Inter Milan are considering for purchase.

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