Your Job is a Pain in the Back?

It used to be common opinion to believe that only manual labour will affect the proper function of the back muscles with the lifelong consequence of possessing a bad posture. In the past decade, emphasis has been placed internationally to educate workers of all levels about how their jobs can harm their backs in the long run if the right precautions are not taken.

So how can a worker tell if his back pain is work related or not? The first thing you have to do is to take a look at the activities you do regularly. If you have recently taken up some sports, then you might want to discuss whether your body can handle that type of sports with your doctor. Other external causes of back pain can come from carrying heavy bags on your shoulders or wearing the wrong type of shoes when walking long distances on a habitual basis.

If your non-work related activities do not seem to be the cause behind your back pain, then there are a few things you need to do for yourself while you are at work. If you sit for hours at your desk, try using your break to help the blood circulation in your body by walking to get your own lunch or do some light stretching if this is not possible. This is necessary to avoid chronic back pain as apart from stressing your back muscles and spine, when you are sitting down your body is also working against gravity as our body was intended to stand upright. You could also adjust your monitor to eye level, and ensure that your employer provides you with other supporting office equipment such as a leg rest and office chair. This article is not written by or checked for accuracy by a medical doctor. Please consult with your physician for treatment options.

For those workers whose job is outside the office and have to stand, drive or require physical strength for long hours, a daily stretch and blood circulation is also recommended. This helps the body to resume its flexibility and the back to realign itself. You could also ask your employer to provide you with the necessary health and safety equipment such as a specially designed carpet for those working in catering or who need to stand up for long periods of time. A neck support could be used by drivers whereas proper training sessions should be given to those people whose job requires them to lift heavy objects on a daily basis.

This article is not written by or checked for accuracy by a medical doctor. Please consult with your physician for treatment options.

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