Is There Exist HCG Diet Dangers

Nowadays, HCG diet seems to be highly popular among us, especially for young ladies who are trying to use it to lose weight and achieve the perfect figure they want, but have you noticed the particular side effects it brings, is there exist dangers?

As we all know, the HCG diet is made of the natural hormone which is produced only by pregnant woman. This hormone can suppress your appetite for a longer period if you take the HCG diet, and it also has the ability to speed up the way of body processes food. Ultimately, burning more accumulated fats and reducing the weight make you slimmer.

While HCG diet can help you lose weight so easily and fast, it is not wise for you to ignore its dangers. First of all, any medicine pills have their negative side effects; the theory is also appropriate for HCG diet. Furthermore, following HCG diet, the dieter is required to consume about 500 calories a day, but it will release about 3000-4000 calories from the fat. So much calories out and such little in makes it not sufficient for the normal functioning of the metabolic processes.

The last but not the least, some people taking the HCG diet program suffer from the side effects, such as headache, restlessness, blood clot problems, depression and irritation. With the administration of HCG hormone, one may experience the signs of pregnancy, such as swelling of hands and feet, water retention and breast tenderness.

Therefore, when we see the benefits of the HCG diet brings to us, we must also take consider of its dangers. Please be responsible for your health, and take the much more scientific way to keep you slim and attractive.

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