C Lo 32 Balls!

In the period when C Lo served for Real Madrid’s with the World Cup Football Shirt league goals, a ball perfectly demonstrates his ability. The ball shows the power of C Ronaldo, spirit, strength and unyielding spirit. This is the scored which C Lo got when competing with Villarreal on Sunday. Then the race for the 79 first minutes, the Portuguese received a cross from the left in the ball but his shot denied by Diego Lopez, he fell to the ground. When he saw his teammate Karim Benzema is not the time to catch up empty pallets, C Luo video goals – pass Özil to penetrate and break the full C Lo kiss immediate concern Dragon Media Source: Sina sports rose quickly and ran again a struggle a few meters ball. In Qiuhou, he turned and fired the ball was about 3 INS C Lo with  Mingbiliya real player defensively, but has not turned on C. Lo, because everyone thinks that the Portuguese had pushed the ball will be difficult for the community. This is the C Lo. He is convinced, he hopes to get rid of its objectives, not only in the classification of continuing forward Lionel Messi, Real Madrid will also contribute. “I hope my goal to help Real Madrid win the honor.” C Lo said after the match. It is the merit of the Portuguese goal was to Real Madrid in the league and he does not away from Barcelona. So far, C Lo 46 appearances on behalf of league goals Real Madrid 48, including 37.5% of the objectives is achieved by the C Lo finished alone. This fully demonstrates the part of the astonishing Real Madrid 7, the capacity of Superman, but also reflects the importance of his team.

So in addition to the league, C Ronaldo has yet to stop the goal. In the Bernabeu, Real Madrid leads the club Atletico Madrid in the city. Real Madrid played the first time in five years, the final of the King’s Cup quarter, and for C Lo with the Real Madrid Fc Football Kit Atletico Madrid is one of his heart disease because Atletico Madrid in the Primera División, where his ball has never been a summer of two teams. After the game, C Lo has the sole purpose of the team did not break, do Barcelona. C related to Lo by the first goal in the pursuit; even in difficult situations where a shooting threat for De Heya, C Luo selected planes have power. But the desire to win, this conviction to C Lo finally completed the scoring. The first 11 minutes was saved by his long-range Heya, the first 31 minutes when he cut into the door on the left after the heavy bombardment Look fly in the corner, but was by the magic of flight Heya De saved, and Then there are a number of shots or high or in part, or on the wall, he refused. But in this effort, C Lo finally led the scoring chances, the 61 game minutes, Real Madrid played a Özil after breaking the fast in the exclusion zone on the right pass, Qiangdian Kaka and C. Lo, but Kaka’s a step slower and C Lo Chan Simply, during the last remark.

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