Get Off Of Facebook If You Want Your Ex Back

We’ve all been there. Our partner decides to leave you and you are left with an aching hole in our heart that we can’t fix. So we try to win them back with spur of the moment and mostly insane tactics. This of course drives the ex further away from us and now we are left by ourselves to grieve while our ex goes on with their life. The more we see them having fun and moving on with their lives, the harder it is for us to get on with ours.

But what most people don’t know is  that if you really want your ex back, there are ways, which will absolutely work to get them back instead of driving them completely out the door.

But before you can understand the right way to go about it, you have to understand what you are doing wrong.

Modern technology is our worst enemy when it comes to making ourselves look like a lunatic. Picking up a phone after having a few drinks or working ourselves into a frantic state should really be illegal. There should be a dumb idea detector attached to everyone’s phone that can detect if we are drunk or really upset and the phone should automatically turn off in each instance.

But it doesn’t shut off and we end up making that call which usually starts out not really bad but usually ends up in us feeling like we’re begging them and make a fool out of ourselves.  Then when they hang up on us we feel worse than we did before we called.

So, avoiding our phone for a while should be the first thing on our to do list after a breakup.

The next piece of technology would of course be the internet. It is so convenient to send crazy messages to an ex over facebook, msn, twitter, e-mail, and countless other forums and groups. Not only can you send them messages but you can make an ass out of yourself by letting all of your friends know what’s happening by posting pics or updating your status as ‘Life sucks and I think I’ll go die now.’

Believe me when I say that making yourself look sad on these social networks just makes your ex and their friends put a bigger wall in between you and them.

Not only can you embarrass yourself but you can spend all your time on the internet watching what they are doing every moment of every day. What kind of life is that?

Honestly, how many times have you checked an exes profile to find out what’s going on in their life? Or looked for pics they are tagged in to figure out what might possibly be going on in their life. Or even if they’ve blocked you’ve searched through their friend’s profiles to see if you can get more information about their life.

There are so many different things that we can do with technology to ruin our chances of getting an ex back.

So put down the phone and get off of your computer. Get back into your real life and find some useful information that will help you get them back in a positive way and make you look and feel a little less crazy too.

This site can give you some really good, and not insane status building, tips that actually work.

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