Reasons Why You Should Use Herbal Medicines When Trying To Treat eczema

Eczematous disorders present an amazing array of symptoms. Itchiness starts, followed by redness. Scaly skin happens when there is chronic scratching because when eczema hits, the skin becomes dry. There is also inflammation and blisters will eventually appear. These symptoms can go on for hours and even days. Chronic atopic dermatitis stays in the skin for weeks to months if not treated. Treatment using alternative medicine by herbs is one key to healing. Let’s take a look on the way to cure eczema using herbal medicines!

Cure eczema, when rashes develop, by applying sandalwood paste and camphor mixture. To reduce inflammation, blueberry extracts turned into lotion and shark cartilage could be used. To wash the affected part, use pine tar soap. Vitamin E extracts in supplements can avoid and diminish itchiness.

For oral medications, foods rich in zinc and tomato juice will help in increasing the immune system to fight allergens, which are causes of Allergic Contact Dermatitis. To target two forms of treatment, you can use a mixture of these herbs to make a type of lotion: dandelion leaves, spearmint leaves, and few drops of oil. it is a good anti-inflammatory lotion which also helps in moisturizing the skin. Use this instead of cosmetic products available in the market so as to avoid the free radicals that were used in making those beauty products. Herbal lotions can naturally heal the skin’s outer layer.

If the skin is flaky or scaly, exfoliation is required and a handful of nuts soaked in water might be a good cleansing scrub. Body scrubs in the market contain chemicals and when used in exfoliating the affected part, they can further aggravate eczema because stripping away the epidermis may affect the dermis. After exfoliation, its best to keep the skin hydrated and moisturized, especially if you’re living in a country that has harsh winters. Commercial lotions and moisturizers have fragrances which can harm the skin and increase symptoms of eczema. Virgin Coconut Oil can be used as an alternative. It contains lauric acid which helps in healing.

If redness occurs, cold compress must be applied. Turmeric powder mixed with bitter neem leaves will make the skin soft and can reduce flakiness. If discoloration occurs after the herbal exfoliation, mashed papaya may be applied to bring back the skin’s natural color. In fact, papaya can also be used for skin whitening, but sunblock that contains SPF 40 and above should be applied to avoid the harmful effects of the sun.

To cure eczema, topical herbal medications might be used. But to prevent it, you can also prevent taking in foods that cause it. Dairy products, chicken, eggs, citrus fruits can trigger skin asthma or allergic dermatitis. excessive of them will enhance eczematous lesions so it’s best to avoid them. Herbal supplements taken along with herbal topical medications applied on the skin will relieve eczema in just a few hours to a few days, if eczema is chronic. Avoid wearing clothes which may induce skin dryness. Wear clothes made of cotton instead.

With all of these suggestions, cheaper healing and prevention could be achieved.

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