Try Knifty Knitter for a Simple and fun Hobby

Loom Knitting is an enjoyable hobby.If you are looking for a hobby,try loom knitting. You can make wonderful handmade items for yourself or for one of a kind gifts. People who have carpal tunnel and arthritis will find loom knitting much easier on their hands than many other hobbies.

Loom knitting is actually an old craft form. Loom knitting has actually resurfaced in the last few years. The Knifty Knitter has been very prominent in the rediscovery of the art. Knifty Knitters are made by Provocraft.

You should try the Knifty Knitter for a cheaper way to start loom knitting. Check your local craft store, the looms are usually sold there. You can purchase the looms on the internet or at local stores that sell craft supplies.

Knifty Knitters come in different types ,the round looms can be purchased singly or in a set of various sizes. The Knifty Knitter long looms are sold either individually or as a set. The small flower loom is a very versatile loom on which many small beautiful items can be created.

I discovered loom knitting when I saw a demonstration at Joann Fabrics, the lady doing the demo showed the Knifty Knitters and a number of items she had created with them. She had a lovely shawl to match her daughter’s prom gown and matching flip flops she had embellished with edging made on the Knifty knitter. She also had a number of other items including hats ,slippers ,and scarves.

When I saw how fast and easy the knitted fabric was produced on the Knifty Knitter, I was sold. The round looms were my first loom purchase. I started a hat as my first project. Looming a hat with the Knifty Knitters takes about two hours ,it is a quick evening project.

Getting started on loom knitting is easy , all you need is two skeins and a loom. If you like ,you can use two different colors. For a more unique look you can choose a novelty yarn as one of the skeins. When you see how easy and fast the Knifty Knitter projects work up you will move on to more unique items.

Once you are ready to make bigger projects, there are several books with great patterns for loom knitting. The internet offers lots of resources for patterns and advice, and Provocraft has patterns and tips on their web site.

I am glad I happened upon the Knifty Knitter demonstration, loom knitting has become one of the crafts I like to do most. Loom knitting is also very simple to learn. There are several websites that feature loom knitting tutorial videos.

Fun hobbies are what is about. You will find all sorts of Knifty Knitter patterns there.

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