Zhou Guangren CCTV as the first Chairman of Piano Violin Competition Jury – Wood texture manufacturer

To popularize classical music, introduction of new new work, promoting Chinese art education for music professionals to provide a more extensive presentation and communication platform, by the national competent authority approval, CCTV in 2008 held in Beijing "2008CCTV Piano Violin Competition" . As Chairman of the Competition Jury, recently, Mr. Zhou Guangren CCTV music channel recording in a talk show on the contest, in which Chow spoke about her experience in international competitions, and the form of the tournament, links, etc. all aspects of the work made valuable suggestions.
    In another development, efforts to popularize the art piano, to use the network for the piano teachers, piano enthusiasts and learners to provide an interactive platform for Guangren Music Network (www.zgrchina.com) will be formally launched on December 17th. Guangren Music Network is a video teaching, teachers union, video upload, comment and other online services as one of music education website. Formally launched the website in the pre-test phase, test users can be registered during the landing experience site features, and leave comments and suggestions

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