How To Last Longer Like A Porn Star – Copy Their Methods!

I guess every guy would like to know how to last longer like a porn star in bed and find out what exactly they are doing to last 25 and even 30 minutes. Well, if they can do it then you can do it and I want to tell you exactly how. But there is no miracle solution – these guys have a lot of experience and specific methods. I am going to give you some of their methods but the experience part is all yours. Ready? Let’s go.

The factor of experience is important here but it gives them the edge that you can copy without being with 300 girls in one year. One of their secrets is – they are not excited about sex and you can understand why. It’s their job and they have plenty of it. If you can get yourself emotionally to the stage where you are indifferent – then you’ll last much longer then you can even expect from yourself. How to do it? Fake it till you make it – a great method that I used my first times. Just act like it and after few times you want have to act anymore!

Another trick you can copy from the porn stars – let her be on top. In almost every movie you can see that they let the woman be on top at least half of the movie. The reason is simple – it’s almost impossible to reach a climax when she is controlling the rhythm simply because of the speed. So next time let her make your life easier and be in control during the sex until you think it’s time to finish!

Be in shape – as you can see 99% of the porn stars are in great shape and it’s not only too look good on camera because nobody is really watching the guy. Being in shape boosts your sexual stamina and I know it from my own experience.

As you can see – if you want to last longer like a porn star in bed there is nothing complicated about it. Everyone can easily get to the 25 minutes line even if he can’t last 5 minutes now. Good luck!

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How to last longer like a porn star

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