Low Cost Summer Activities To Educate And Entertain Your Children

As the long summer months stretch out ahead of you, are you worried that your children will forget everything they learned in school over the past year? Well, never fear. With a little planning and not much money, you can keep your children learning and entertained at the same time.

1.Get them involved in a free reading program.

Most local libraries offer a reading program during the summer. It encourages the children to read because they want to win free books and other prizes By reading about topics that interest them, your children will be learning without realizing it. Additionally, many libraries allow small children to take part by having their parents read books to them.

2. Participate in community education summer programs.

Many community education programs offer special classes for children throughout the summer. Usually, the activities are fun and educational ones and may include music, sports activities, and various artistic classes. The class fees are usually very reasonable.

3. Visit local historical sites, galleries, and exhibits.

Get your children out of the house. Take them to museums, art galleries, and different exhibitions. If you live in a town with a lot of historical landmarks, take advantage of those as well. Your children will have a great time enjoying these cultural activities.

4. Use computer programs to enhance learning skills.

Buy or rent some computer programs that enhance learning skills such as math and spelling. It’s a good idea to limit the time your children spend on the computer, but when they do use the computer try to make it a worthwhile educational experience as well.

5. Start a vegetable garden.

If you have the space, let your children help you with a vegetable garden. They can learn about many different science topics this way. Having a garden will also encourage them to feel good about completing a project when they get to try some of the produce they’ve grown themselves. Taking care of plants also teaches them responsibility and the fact that lack of responsibility has results – such as dead plants.

6. Work on a family tree.

Children are usually very interested in finding out about the lives of their parents, grandparents, and other ancestors. You can match the difficulty of the project to the age of your children. Working on a family tree will enhance their research skills and give them the opportunity to learn history at the same time.

Even with high gas prices, you can do many of these activities without traveling far from home. Give your children the experience of a learning-filled summer and they will be well prepared to resume their school classes in the fall.

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