A David Wood Analysis

If ever there was some that could be considered inspiring and motivational, then David Wood is certainly that person.

One of the things that makes David Wood unique is that he actually does what he teaches. One of the biggest problems online is the thousands of self professed ‘gurus’ that are teaching strategies that either they are not doing themselves, or that they are doing and not achieving results with. Any strategy that Dave teaches, he would have used and tested himself. The bottom line is that it will work.

How do I know this? Well because I use the strategies that he teaches and I’m getting results from it. Granted I’ve added my own tweaks to his strategies, but the bottom line is that they work.

He wasn’t always successful in network marketing, in fact he will admit freely that he completely failed in Amway, his first ever network marketing company. Like many in the industry do, he moved on to other opportunities and jumped from deal to deal. Like many of us he thought the company was the problem for his lack of success.

The short story is that David discovered the internet in 2009 and realised the potential that it had to build is MLM business. He had already seen many people were getting some rather impressive results and were able to increase their warm market dramatically, whilst using systems to create incredible leverage.

Within 4 months David was able to create a daily lead flow of around 60 leads, plus had earned around $55,000 ($23K which came from 2 webinar’s selling an affiliate product), and had created a viral EXPLOSION that had half the online MLM’ers in a frenzy. Since then he has gone on to sponsor like crazy in both My Lead System Pro and his primary network marketing company. In fact he had to build is network marketing organization twice! The company he was originally with (iLeaningGlobal) closed their MLM arm without any warning. That didn’t stop Dave though, within 48 hours he had already recruited 50 people into his new organization.

What was the strategy that David Wood used to allow him to become so successful?

By taking 1 strategy, learning it and implementing it consistently until he had perfected it. Content marketing is the method that he used. Using article marketing and also the use of videos he was able to generate some very impressive levels of traffic to his blog and sales funnel. Getting more than 20,000 unique visitors to your website in eight weeks is very impressive, and if you’ve only just come onto the internet, even more impressive. By writing good quality articles you can generate a good amount of traffic and authority for your website, by using videos as well you can get even better results.

Many people have gone on to follow in Dave’s footsteps and use his content marketing strategies, some have been successful, some not. Personally I believe that there are VERY FEW people that will ever work as hard as Dave did to achieve their goals. The amount of content that he produced in the time that he did is incredible. The majority of marketers online, are either too lazy or don’t have the time to invest to create PHENOMENAL results.

Do you have what it takes?

Together with working hard and determination you also can follow in the steps of David Wood. To master the best way to produce 50+ qualified prospects a day for your business utilizing free marketing, stop by my network marketing training centre.

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