Discover This Strategy And Never Be Lacking In Leads Again For Your MLM

You are going to need at least 1 of your own websites’ in order for this method to work. It’s important to be aware that all the main search providers like Google always rank website’s higher if they have new content added to them on a regular basis. To get your pages properly indexed they need to be well optimized, to do this the keywords you want to rank for need to be found on the webpage and in the title and preferably the meta description also. It’s important not to spam the search engines by having your key phrases too often in your content, this will have a detrimental effect on your rankings.

Also when you write your content write it for your reader. It is frustrating to your readers to keeping seeing the same phrase mentioned over and over again in your content, if you don’t heed this warning then your position in the search results will be almost nonexistent as you will end up getting penalized by the robots, they don’t like repetitive keywords either!

Finally we want to understand that by having lots of quality incoming links pointing to your content will go a long way to increasing your position in the search listings.

So we want to achieve two things with this strategy, a high rank is the first goal so that traffic will come our way from the organic search result listings and secondly we want to have our content in as many places as possible to get traffic from sources such as article directories, video sites and social networks. In their simplest format here are the steps we need to take

1) Design some content that offers good useful information to your readers make sure it is relatively short (about 500 words) and to the point, whatever the title says the article/blog post is about make sure the content is relevant to that. You want to make sure that your content is relative to the keyword or phrase that you are wanting to get listed for, your article or post should also entice your reader into wanting more information so that they will click your link.

2) Now that you have created your piece of content it needs to go onto your website or blog then you want to get 25 or so instant backlinks by bookmarking it. You can do this with a few mouse clicks by using a tool called OnlyWire

3) The next part of this process is to create a short video advertising your new content, this could be a simple power point presentation or you can actually go on camera yourself and discuss the topic of your article. By doing this you will get more traffic, by using compelling techniques you can create interest in your message and therefore increase click through rates. Once the video is rendered syndicate it to popular video sites like Youtube and Viddler. To cut down on the manual labour of doing this you might want to invest in Traffic Geyser, this will blast your video to around 75 sites. There is no doubt that Google indexes videos very quickly, sometimes within minutes.

4) After this you will want to spin your original content and then post it to all of the popular directories that accept articles. It is important to spin the document first so that you will get more benefit from your incoming links. There are tools you can buy to do this for you.

5) The final step is to post your content to social networking sites like MySpace and Twitter.

In a nutshell that’s it. You need to do this consistently for it to actually work.

This network marketing lead generation method you can start using in your business today and will end your lead poverty, you will however need to learn the exact methods for it to work To learn all you need to know to put this in place watch this 76 minute network marketing leads generation webinar

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