What Exactly Is Marvalous All About, Should You Join?

This is quite an interesting network marketing company that is based in Israel and has been around for 2 years.

Not everyone has heard of them, but as time goes on they are getting more popular, there are also a couple of interesting points about this company. First is their pay plan, it is designed in an unique way, more on that shortly. They also have adopted the term ‘tribal Marketing’ rather than multi level marketing.

Their pay plan operates on a 1×10 expanding matrix system, an innovative system that allows strong and weak marketers alike to benefit. The plan here is to have just one leg straight down, with every one placed under each other. They designed this system to help everyone benefit from the teams combined efforts, ensuring that everyone has the chance to earn. This obviously is fantastic for the people who got in early in the leg. In practise though you still have your personal obligations to recruit, and qualification levels to hit.

They have a few different products in their range, the product that has gained the most exposure is their Omega 3 supplementations. This Omega comes from Sage, rather than fish oil which is more commonly known. The list of benefits that Sage gives really is very long, many folks regard it as superior to fish oil for various reasons, it’s also highly regarded for religious reasons.. Only by using the Sage product yourself would you really know if it is better than standard fish oil.

The other products that they produce are, Attract (a weight loss juice), 24/7 (multi vitamin juice), Fibre Must (fibre supplementation), Winner (an energy juice) and last but not least, Calcium (calcium supplementation drink). So you have a fair range of products to work with offering several important benefits to the human body.

The company will only allow you to buy products in boxes of 3. Each box does however offer 1 months supply.

In order to get started as a distributor you need to choose from one of the 3 different entry levels. If you want to join at the top level as a VIP then it will cost you 1,600 dollars, the lowest level you can join at is Retailer and it will cost you $200. Marvalous train their distributors well by the looks of it, although I have no personal experience of them. They do state on their corporate website that they have a team of experienced coaches dedicated to training. If this is true then they’ve gone further than most company’s. There is a back office and online marketing system also available to distributors. Effectively you can market the business and products online.

This certainly looks like an interesting opportunity and it remains to be seen just how this (if it does) really take off. I wouldn’t join this particular opportunity myself, I think that there are better deals around, but if you do join up then it’s quite likely that you will need to spend some time learning some marketing skills to be successful, you will need plenty of leads also.

Success in the MLM industry really does depend on sponsoring and to do this you will need a large number of people to make presentations to. Most people are taught to make a list of their warm market and start prospecting which is the basis of getting started. A lot of people though don’t have enough of a warm market, so you must figure out how to make it bigger.

You’ll need marketing skills to be successful with Marvalous. On the search for more qualified prospects and cashflow? Register for your free of charge video training at James Hicks marketing blog

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