The Advantages of Using Cool Mist Humidifiers

If you are thinking of buying a cold humidifier (most commonly known as cool mist humidifiers) you should consider three different types.

The first type is an ultrasonic humidifier which creates cool mist by vibration, but it is not that popular as it leaves white traces. Another type is an evaporative humidifier, which transmits moisture into the air by fan. And the last type and the most universal one at the same time is the impeller humidifier. It contains a diffuser which makes fine droplets out of water.

In general, parents usually prefer cool mist humidifier to warm mist humidifiers, since it is less dangerous for their children. That is, warm mist humidifiers create a hot steam which exposes a child to a risk of being burnt, which is not the case with cool mist humidifiers.

There is one more thing why it is safer to use a cool mist humidifier. It uses electricity to fan the water and therefore saves energy. Contrary to this, a warm mist humidifier uses energy to boil and release the steam.

However, cold mist humidifier is dangerous for one thing. It can render the growth of dangerous bacteria due to the lack of heat.

According to the research made by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, it has been found out that ultrasonic and impeller humidifiers can send harmful microorganisms and minerals into the air making serious problems to your lungs.

You are recommended to clean your cool mist humidifier regularly in order to prevent any risk of being injured or infected. It is best to clean your tank daily with a small amount of soap and water. Make sure to wash the whole tank, rinse it and refill for use.

Use only distilled water in the tank because water from the tap contains certain minerals that can make you breathe with difficulty. Still, cool mist humidifiers do not filter the minerals from the water because they need heat.

Keep in mind to use cool mist humidifier only when it is really necessary, because too much moisture can cause big problems. However, the moisture in your home can be monitored by a hygrometer which you can provide at your local shop. The optimum amount of moisture should be 30-50%. The moisture of 60% or higher can breed mold, mildew, and fungi.

Looking to find the best deal on Mist Humidifiers, then visit to find the best advice on Cool Mist Humidifiers for you.

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