Learn Italian Online: Is It the Best Way?

Learning a foreign language is not easy. It is only easy for people living in the country where
the language is spoken and if they are under the age of five. The older you get, the harder it is
to acquire new language skills. It is difficult but not impossible. With technological advances,
online courses are becoming ever so popular. For many courses, online classes are just as
effective as traditional classes. However, online classes may not be as effective as traditional
classes for language learning.

Before deciding to learn Italian online, there are some factors to consider. It is easier to learn
a language, particularly for beginners if there are auditory and visual cues from the teacher
and from other classmates. The teacher is also at hand to adapt visual cues to specific student
needs. For an online course, these cues may not be available. Students learning online are more
easily distracted than if they were learning in a classroom. Feedback is instant in classrooms
as opposed to online courses. In a classroom you can ask your teacher questions and get an
immediate response which will help make learning easier. Social interaction is an important
factor in language learning. Interacting with people learning the language at your level creates
bonds which in turn make learning interesting and therefore easier. It is much easier to practice
a new language with someone at the same level as you. Learning Italian in class also has the
advantage over having to learn Italian online in that the class course usually includes other
activities such as role-play, board games like Italian scrabble, charades and trips to places that
speak the language. These activities are not normally accessible to a student learning online.

However, it is not all doom and gloom to learn Italian via online. There are some online courses
that go to great lengths to overcome the disadvantages of learning a language online. They do
this by making the learning as interactive as possible. Some courses provide words and phrases
in text and audio at the same time. There are also some that provide one to one tutoring and
speaking practice sessions with a native Italian speaker, through Skype or VoIP. Other resources
that may be available for a person who wants to learn Italian online are forums and chat rooms
to help improve conversational skills, online games to build vocabulary skills and even pen pal
networks for language exchange. Any good online course should include loads of interactive
audio lessons and illustrated language and culture lessons. It should also give a learner the
opportunity to interact with other learners as well as native speakers. These types of courses are
more costly than other basic ones.

Learning Italian online does have its advantages, convenience, cheaper and working at your own
pace. However, it is more suitable for more advanced learners. Beginners should try as much
as possible to learn in the more traditional way. If this is not possible, it is very important to
carefully select your online course to ensure you are getting a good one.

source: learn italian online

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