Simple Ways To Have A Great First Birthday For Your Child

Your child’s first birthday is a special event; it represents their change from a baby to a toddler, and as well is the first anniversary of their birth. Being such a special occasion, you’ll likely want to have a small party and probably find them some presents. Listed below are some things you may want to think about when planning a first birthday for your child.

If you’re planning on having a birthday party for your child, the first step is to decide which kind of party you’ll be having. Do you want to have a small get together with family, or perhaps to the party with your baby’s “friends” and their parents? Maybe you’d like to even go somewhere like a park or play center. There are many different possibilities and choice is yours. Whichever type of party you plan on happening, if you’re going to have guests you should send out colorful invitations with RSVP details, asking parents to make sure to let you know about any possible food allergies.

You’ll probably want to get a birthday cake complete with candles. You can either bake a cake yourself or buy one of the bakery. Remember keep in mind any possible food allergies that the guests might have. Pictures of a birthday cake will be a great reminder of the birthday for years to come, so make sure you get one that’s colorful and will stand out well in pictures.

You might also consider decorating your home with balloons and party decorations. This will give your home the atmosphere of a children’s party and will impress your guests. Balloons can be a fun toy for children as well, but make sure that none of them are popped so they don’t become a choking hazard. This also goes with any other decorations that may be small. Safety is an important thing, especially when dealing with very young children.

One of the most important aspects of the birthday party is, of course, the gifts. If you’re struggling to come up with gifts to get your child or other parents are asking you for ideas, here are a few things you could consider.

Clothing – when the child is this young it will quickly outgrow any clothing may have. You will likely be very grateful of any clothing that is is received from other families. Although children’s clothing does not last forever it can be passed on to other siblings or relatives. Cloaking is a staple gift for any child’s birthday, and when giftwrapped makes a beautiful gift package. You might suggest that people shop for clothing online, as it is often much cheaper than buying from retail stores.

Books – although your child can obviously not read at this age, high quality picture books are great gift. You might also consider something with longevity, such as old classic fairytale books. Again, buying online will likely be much cheaper than buying from a retail store.

Toys – an obvious gift for a child this young would be toys. There are so many great toys for children this age, and it is sure to be a gift that they’ll get enjoyment out of. Educational toys are also an idea, as they are a great way to help the babies development.

Ornaments – a beautiful ornament like a mobile is a good idea. Not only do they make a great keepsake, they are useful in entertaining your baby and can also be passed down to future siblings.

With a little planning your child’s first birthday will be a great success something that will give fond memories for years to come. Remember to take lots of pictures, and even video, if possible. Your child will appreciate it when they’re older, and it will also help you remember the occasion.

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