How To Treat Pinched Sciatic Nerve Without Medicines?

In order to treat pinched sciatic nerve pain without medicine you will have to use some other home and herbal remedies to get rid of the pain. In many cases these remedies work even better then the medicine and the drugs and that’s why I want to share few of them with you.

Treating pinched sciatic nerve is all about reducing the inflammation in the nerve and around it. That’s why I want to recommend you to use chamomile – it’s one of the best anti inflammatory herbal remedy that is probably known to help sciatica sufferers. It comes in the form of tea, oil, supplements and all of them work great. Chamomile has the exact anti inflammatory properties that you need. Start from drinking 2 cups of chamomile tea every day and use chamomile oil to spread it on the trigger point where you feel the pain.

Compresses are already out of fashion, but it doesn’t mean they have stop working. This specific compress is proven to work – the horse radish compress. After grating 2 horse radish roots you got from the grocery store, just put it on some old cloth and make a compress out of it. I would also recommend you to spread some Vaseline on the place to prevent the skin from getting burned. Don’t hold the compress on for too long!

If you don’t have these at home right now then I have a method for you that requires nothing but an ice pack. A simple application of ice can be very helpful for immediate relief of sciatic nerve pain, but there is a trick to do it right. Hold it on for 15 minutes and then take it off for 5. Repeat this 3 times. Then you’ll see how the pain is gone.

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at home? Discover now
how to treat sciatic pain
with a homeopathic method that helped me!

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