The Best Treatment For Pinched Sciatic Nerve – 2 Steps Method!

The best treatment for pinched sciatic nerve I am going to talk about contains 3 steps you’ll have to follow every day. It work’s but overnight miracles don’t really exist in our world so you’ll have to be a little patient here. Let’s start.

The first step is to fill the bath with hot water. Heat relaxes the inflamed area around the nerve and will give you automatically a better feeling. Heat is also very good for loosening the muscles and the muscle we want to loosen is the one that pinches the sciatic nerve – the piriformis.

After the bath take a few drops of lavender oil and start massaging the area with slow moves. The massage itself has the ability to loosen the piriformis muscle while the lavender oil will help with the inflammation reduction in this area. It’s very important to treat the inflammation in the sciatic nerve because it’s the main source of the pain you are trying to relieve! Don’t wait longer then 3 minutes between the bath and the massage because the hot water opens the skin pores and that way the oil will get much better into the skin and reach the affected area faster.

You need to be consistent and perform these 2 steps every day and you” feel the improvement. I think that it’s the best treatment for pinched sciatic nerve because it relieves the nerve from the pressure of the piriformis muscles, helps you to cure the inflammation around the nerve and relieves the pain. I hope this help you and good luck!

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