Randy Schroeder scam: should you join him?

Who the heck is Randy Schroeder?

Randy Schroeder is known as a heavy hitter in the MLM industry and has earned excess of $30 million dollars of income. It is obvious that this man can teach us all a few things when it comes to building a powerful organization. It is obvious that Randy Schroeder knows what he is doing when it comes to building a massive mlm organization.

His first look into the network marketing industry was back in 1990 as he was working as Senior Vice President of a major brokerage firm. He says he can remember how cut throat the stoke brokerage industry was. What attracted randy to most about mlm, was the ability to leverage the efforts of others to make money. Thus began, his journey in MLM.

Randy schroeder began his mlm career with a company called Nu Skin international.. He worked closely with some high producing leaders and was able to make a substantial income. Randy soon left Nu Skin and joined a company called Rexall Showcase International. Randy made nearly 17 million dollars with Rexall.

He later joined Agel Enterprises where he built an organization that paid him nearly $150,000 per month. He later become dissatisfied with Agel and began to build a business with MonaVie. It has been said, that he was paid over $8 million dollars by Darren Larson to join MonaVie. Randy claims those allegations are not true. Whether he did or didn’t recieve payment for the move isn’t important. You will find Randy actively working his MonaVie business today.

Randy shroeder’s methods for building his team:

Randy Shroeder uses very traditional methods to build his network marketing organization. Below are four steps he teaches for his MonaVie team.

1. Creat a list of friends and family2. Invite people on that candidate list to see your business opportunity (using very precise scripting)
3. Show the business plan in a way that the prospect might think they could do themselves
4. Help new distributers to get started

Randy is known for his ability to sign new reps up like clock work. His theory is, the more he recruits the more leaders he will have in his organization. Allowing his team to grow even faster.

How will working with Randy Schroeder benefit you?

randy leaves no stone uncovered. He will be sure you know everything he does to become successful. Randy Schroeder is a very detailed trainer. he will work along side you as long as you prove to be hard worker and build your business. Randy is dedicated to the success of his team.

Some disadvantages to working with Randy Schroeder?

Randy Schroeder uses very aggressive strategies for recruiting new members and have proven to be very effective. But his approaches may not suit your personality. For example, You might prefer to share your business in a more personable and relaxed fashion.

What should you consider before choosing to work with Randy Shroeder?

Be sure you want to build your business in the way that Randy is skillful in teaching. But when it comes to building a business the old school way, Randy Schoeder is the guy.

It obvious that if you are planning to build using attraction marketing, you probably should go some where else. For example, unless you are comfortable making a list of 50-200 friends and family to talk to about your business, it will be extremely difficult to gain any success. If this pretains to you, you will most likely have much more success learning skills like video marketing, article marketing, or even web 2.0.

Is Randy Schroeder a scam?

Beyond shadow of a doubt, randy schroeder is not a scam. With that said, randy in not well versed in how to use the internet to build his business. Unless you really want to present your business to all your friends and family, I would highly suggest you look into working with someone who is skilled in that area. There is a small amount of network marketers who really understand how to build a successful business on the Internet. They use a special set of skills called Attraction Marketing.

Grant Dunn wrote this Randy Schroeder Review to help others make an educated decision before working with him. Click here to learn more about Attraction Marketing
and how to generate laser targeted leads for your MLM.

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