What Causes Boils – How To Treat a Boil

What is a Boil? It’s a local infection that looks like a pimple with a white center filled with pus, which is a combination of white blood cell, protein, and infectious bacteria.

When treating a boil, you need to be very careful because it can become infected and then antibiotics may be necessary for treatment. In addition, skin boils are very contagious and spread easily, so it’s important not to touch it and to treat it immediately.

What Causes Boils – There are many causes of boils, however, the most common causes include: – A clogged sweat gland or ingrown hair – A splinter lodged just under the skin – A cut or scrap that has become infected

Boil Symptoms

Boils are usually found on the buttocks, underarms, back, shoulder, and sometimes, but not often, on the face. A boil usually looks like a large red pimple with a yellow or white filled with pus. Overtime boils become hard and tender to touch. Sometimes they can become itchy and painful too. Click here to see Pictures of Boils

Natural Home Remedies Boils

You should try to treat a boil right away because complications can set in and they can spread to other parts of the skin causing more boils to form. Also, boils can easily become infected which makes it even harder to treat. There are some natural remedies you can try including using a garlic or turmeric compress.

To make a compress just crush the juice from one garlic clove with a garlic crusher, dab the juice to the head of the boil and cover with a band-aid. To make the turmeric compress, mix a small amount of turmeric powder with warm water to make a paste and gently apply it to the boil and cover it with a band-aid. Leave the compresses on until the boil becomes soft and can be wiped away with a wash cloth.

Boil Treatment

If the above natural treatments don’t work for you, consider using a homeopathic spray that is clean, non-messy and starts to work in as little as 24 hours. Click here for more information on a simple Treatment for Boils.

Learn more about boils and see Pictures of Boils, then visit Linda Robison’s site on how to choose the best Boil Treatment for your needs.

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