Precisely what should your blood pressure level be?

Have you ever found yourself coming away from your doctor’s office after a check-up wondering just what your blood pressure is supposed to be? Fortunately, for most people the answer is simple. If you pressure is in the region of 120 over 80 then this would be considered normal. However, once it rises to around 140 over 90 or higher you will have entered the realm of high blood pressure and may need medication to control the condition. One problem however is that ‘normal’ is different for different people and such things as medication, your age, the amount of exercise you take and other factors can change your pressure giving you a normal pressure with may be slightly different from the average.

If you are suffering from a medical condition, such as diabetes, your blood pressure may generally be in the region of 130 over 80 and your doctor may well consider that, with your diabetes, this pressure can be considered as being normal for you. Against a background of ongoing medical problems your doctor may feel that a specific program of diet and exercise, together perhaps with medication, is advisable to keep your pressure within normal limits.

High blood pressure is a serious condition and, even for people in otherwise good health, it can significantly increase the risk of suffering such things as a heart attack or a stroke. So, if you suspect that your pressure is high or rising you should schedule regular checks with readings being taken over a period of time for comparison. Your doctor can then work out your average pressure and decide whether any action needs to be taken.

For people whose pressure is just starting to rise the doctor might recommend nothing more than dietary changes and exercise to lower your numbers. Thirty minutes of exercise daily and a weight loss plan can actually help lower your blood pressure quite significantly. For some people sodium intake can also be a major factor in their rising blood pressure and so your doctor might recommend a drastic reduction in your salt consumption.

A major advancement in tackling the problem of high blood pressure has been the introduction of the DASH diet. This diet focuses its attention on a range of healthy food including fish and poultry, along with vegetables and fruit.

If you are not sure what your blood pressure should be discuss it with your physician and get his professional opinion. Thereafter, check your own pressure regularly and take action promptly if you see your pressure starting to creep up. Remember too that one of the best investments that any of us can make in our health these says is to purchase a blood pressure monitor for use at home.

Discover even more than just what the answer to the question what should your blood pressure be is and the value nowadays of using a home blood pressure monitor to keep an eye on your health.

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