Guan Qi Cheng GPS quality, but half failed "the wrong way"

Car GPS Miriam Qi Cheng and a half failed, "the wrong way"; Guangdong Province General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection Car Navigation Instrument failure list; Shenzhen Di Ruite Automotive GPS Navigation Product failure … …

GPS Year, the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine will be exposed from time to time some industry list of unqualified products. I found browsing, auto supplies products appear on the most exposure frame than a GPS. Failure mainly for performance and functional items, interference characteristics of test items. The major causes of failure: technical requirements expressed in the products clearly indicate the positioning accuracy of less than explicit in the actual detection of the technical requirements of indicator; GPS is equipped with a power adapter failure, the product is not equipped with the adapter certified; products without interference suppression and much more. In almost every spot checks, GPS will expose some of the problems, so, GPS navigation into exposure frame of the "regulars." The reason, I believe that the following points:

First of all, as science advances and people's living standards, as the technology of electronic products, GPS car owners in the daily lives of increasingly occupy an important position in the consumer products of concern about this very high. In this case, the state has stepped up supervision of this product to enhance the quality and intensity of management, protection of consumer interests. Therefore, GPS, more frequent sampling and quality inspection, which found that in virtually unqualified products increased the probability.

Second, in our strong production capacity and the program provides "one-stop" program, supported by most of China's electronic products industry no choice but to take the lead in the birth of the "cottage" concept. In MP3 , Mobile phones, the current area of our GPS products have flooded large cottage, which, Union Group President Guoxin Ping said on Strong: China navigation industry is already in a very dangerous situation, if he continues, the entire industry will be "cottage" slow death. This warning is not groundless. The rise of China navigation industry in any of my tours GARMIN the emergence of big brands, big brands for some of these people have come to recognize the usefulness of GPS navigation. Soon the ability to mimic strong domestic manufacturers have introduced a whole set of manufacturing solutions, so many producers rushing into mass action, OEM, etc. to have a GPS navigation device into the production of force and make it grow rapidly. Core hardware and software technologies and services without the support of the team, no doubt there will be a lot of cottage GPS problems, except for quality issues, "lead the wrong way" phenomenon is occur. Thus, in a cottage full of big market products under the product quality naturally can not be guaranteed for repeated exposure is not surprising.

GPS navigation industry, "the tree attracts the wind"?? Its rapid development will inevitably lead to criticism. Other products in the automotive industry, industrial chain, such as Automotive Maintenance , Car decoration In the emergence of failed products is endless, but the attention of consumers are attracted to more electronic products, the invisible in the neglect of other products will be negative. In fact, this may not be a bad thing. Throughout all walks of life some of the popular development of the concept, without exception, because the concept of heat and attention, thus attracting many right and wrong, and then perfected in the dispute. GPS industry is no exception. Repeated exposure will help the GPS industry to mature, perfected. In addition, this year the Government's focus will be to ensure the healthy development of the navigation industry up, once the government reveal their anti-piracy punch, and to piracy as the living conditions of many cottage industries will be forced out of the market, then, the navigation industry will enter track of healthy development.

View of the frequent car supplies exposure frame on the GPS, some have asserted, GPS is already twilight, would like to go as MP3 to decline from the prosperity of the line. In this regard, I beg to differ. With the GPS on the value-added services is gradually carried out, navigation will become the service platform. With the services of this killer, brand machine will overcome cottage, combined with policy guidance and regulations, GPS will, overcoming all obstacles toward a more brilliant future.

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